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Published June 10, 2020
Published June 10, 2020
Melissa Westbrook via Unsplash

Inclusivity is undoubtedly one of the leading topics of conversation within the beauty industry, but why does it matter?

This is the question that framed the conversation led by the British Beauty Council last November. The Diversity and Inclusivity Panel Talk and Think Tank was hosted in collaboration with Glasgow Caledonian University’s British School of Fashion.

The simple answer is, “Inclusivity matters because all consumers should see themselves represented and valued equally and it makes good business sense. It is essential that the beauty industry reflects society as a whole and genuinely represents the entire target market. “

The sentiment of the participants was, “The beauty industry can often be seen as an industry devoted to surface-level enhancement. Yet now more than ever before, the effects of the industry are reaching far deeper. It is time for the beauty industry to shift its focus to inspiring and empowering the consumer, to promoting positive self-image and celebrating all the different forms of unique beauty. The beauty industry has the power to create and reinforce stereotypes, however, it also has the potential to dissolve them through projects that support inclusivity, diversity and holistic wellbeing.”

The report takes a close look at:

Why inclusivity in beauty matters

  • The commercial imperatives and opportunities for beauty businesses
  • The beauty industry’s approach to inclusivity today
  • How inclusivity can drive brand innovations

Consumer trends and needs

  • How beauty ideals are represented today
  • How the beauty industry can better understand the individual needs of consumers of all identities
  • What can be done to ensure inclusivity remains a sustainable approach and the barriers to be overcome

Download the report here.


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